Setting Up New Recruitment Process

Setting Up New Recruitment Process

When a new recruitment process is initiated, the Recruitment Team should inform an assigned Admin to set up a working space for them. All settings are preconfigured, so it should take an Admin no more than 5 minutes (perhaps 10 minutes when done for the first time)).


The steps are the following

  1. Create Jira Project (=CV Board for Recruitment team)

  2. Create filter for this project:

    1. no specific configurations required

    2. select the project


    4. save the filter

    5. click “details” → edit permissions → grant permissions to the project team (all roles, viewer)

    6. copy paste the filter ID

  3. Create EazyBI dashboard (see video instruction)

  4. Create Status Reports from the template (see video instruction)


Steps are described on the children pages, video instructions provided.


Content Owner

@Maria Kutkina

Content Type

Admin docs

Last Update

Jan 8, 2023