Configure Your Notifications

Configure Your Notifications

If you are receiving too many email notifications from Confluence, you can adjust your personal notification settings which override the default schema.


At a company level we use Confluence default notification schema. This means that Confluence sends a weekly email report to subscribers, containing the top content that is relevant to the person receiving the message, from spaces they have permission to view.

Which Notifications Am I Getting by Default?

Notifications are added to the notifications center when someone does one of the following:

  • Shares a page or blog post with you

  • Mentions you in a page, blog post, comment, or task

  • Comments on a page or blog post that you're watching

  • Likes a page or blog post that you're watching

How Do I Adjust My Personal Notifications Settings?

Go to https://wmdemo.atlassian.net/wiki/users/viewmyemailsettings.action to update your personal settings which will override the default ones.

Here's an explanation of all the email settings.














Option: Do you want Confluence to automatically add you as a watcher on each page or blog post that you add or update? If you are a watcher of a page or a post, you will receive notification of future changes.

  • Pages and blog posts that you create, edit, or comment on.

Subscribe to a daily digest

Receive daily email reports showing changes to content in all spaces that you have permission to view.

Note: Daily email reports do not include information about attachments on a page or blog post that are added, edited or deleted.

  • All edit updates to pages and blog posts.

Subscribe to all blog posts

Receive email notifications for changes to blogs in your Confluence installation that you have permission to view.

  • Blog posts added, edited, or deleted.

Subscribe to network

Receive email notifications for changes to content by all users that you are following, which you have permission to view.

  • Pages being added, edited, or deleted.

  • Blog posts being added, edited, or deleted.

  • Comments being added, edited, or deleted.

Subscribe to new follower notifications

Receive an email message when anyone chooses to follow you.


Notify on my actions

Option: Do you want to receive email notifications for your own changes?

Note: If you have not subscribed to any email notifications and are not watching any pages/spaces, then selecting 'Notify on my actions' will not do anything.

  • All pages and spaces that you're watching.

  • This affects all subscriptions set.

Show changed content

Option: Do you want your notifications to include details of the changes made to the content?

  • If you don't select this option, your notifications will include only the title of the page, and any comment the author made when updating the page.

  • If you do select this option, your notifications will show the differences between the current and previous versions of the page.

  • Edits to pages and blog posts.

Subscribe to recommended updates

Receive a daily or weekly email message showing the top content that is relevant to you from spaces that you have permission to view.

How do you set the frequency of the mail message? A link in the email message allows you to choose daily or weekly notifications.

How do you enable and disable the notification? You can turn off the notification by clicking a link in the email message. You can also turn the notification on or off by setting the 'Subscribe to recommended updates' option in your user profile.

Confluence chooses the content to display, based on:

  • Pages and blog posts that people have recently liked.

  • Pages and blog posts that people have recently commented on.

  • Pages and blog posts that have recently been created.

"Recent" means any activity that occurred since the last recommended updates message was sent to you.

The activities are listed in order of popularity, with the most popular at the top. Likes, comments and content creations are scored equally. Activity that involves people in your network ranks higher than activity not involving your network. Content from My spaces also ranks higher than content in other spaces. The recommended updates summary does not include any content that you created yourself, and it gives a lower ranking to content that you have participated in, for example by adding a comment or updating the page.

If there is no activity to report, Confluence will not send the email message.


Source: Collaborate on content and get notified in Confluence Cloud | Confluence Cloud | Atlassian Support


Content Owner

@Maria Kutkina

Content Type


Last Update

Mar 16, 2023