To Your Public Homepage in Confluence follow these steps: Click Create from Template |
spaceKey | ONB |
blueprintModuleCompleteKey | com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-business-blueprints:sharelinksintroductory-blog-blueprint |
contentBlueprintId | 00b033cabb2455b3-f8764980-49c24aeb-a7398abc-dcd77c28d48d6a4dbb878e2b |
templateName | 00b033cabb2455b3-f8764980-49c24aeb-a739-dcd77c28d48d | createResult | view8abc-6a4dbb878e2b |
title | About Me |
buttonLabel | Set up My Personal Space Public Homepage |
Fill in the template Add title “Your Name’s User Manual” Publish Move User Manual page to your Personal Space. Select “Overview” as parent page.